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Codeunit WSB_CDPConfEntryProtection

Implements protection of confidential entries in confidential data tables using security filters. For example, you can create permission sets that allows one to grant users read permissions to G/L entries without exposing confidential G/L data, i.e., by excluding access to G/L entries that relate to G/L accounts that are marked as "Confidential".


Name Value
Access Public



Creates permission sets which can be used to grant filtered permissions, for example, a permission set to grant access to G/L entries related to non-confidential G/L accounts.


Type Description
Integer The number of new permission sets that were created.


Retrieves the role ID of the permission set that grants security filter restricted read access to the specified table.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableID The ID of the table object to get a security-filtered permission set role ID for.


Type Description
Code[20] Role ID of the permission set.


Allows to apply protection of confidential entries for additional tables.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableNo The ID of the table.
Text vSecurityFilterFieldName The Security Filter Field Name
Text vSecurityFilter The Security Filter
Boolean vSecurityFilterApplied Whether a security filter was applied/found.


Allows to apply additional protection of G/L Entries for reasons other than Confidential G/L Account. Important note: This event will not be triggered for G/L Entry records that are already considered 'confidential' by the Confidential Data Protection extension and thus cannot be used to override Confidential Data Protection.


Type Name Description
Record "G/L Entry" vRecGLEntry The G/L Entry record.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handled the confidential assignment.