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Table WSB_CDPSetup

A table which stores settings for the Apportunix Confidential Data Protection app.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Confidential Data Protection Setup
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False
Extensible False


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[10] PrimaryKey A setup primary key field.
10 Integer SuperAdminCount Specifies the number of users designated as SUPER administrators.
11 Integer ConfidentialTableCount Specifies the number of tables that are set-up to be considered as containing confidential data.
12 Integer ConfidentialGLAccountCount Specifies the number of G/L Accounts that are set-up to be considered as concerning confidential data.
13 Integer RestrictedPermissionSetCount Specifies the number of restricted permission sets which are generated permission sets which restrict access to confidential table data.
20 Boolean ShowPermissionSetProperties Specifies whether the "Permission Sets" page should display additional properties, e.g., whether a permission set exposes confidential data or is protected.
21 Boolean ShowPermissionSetUsageCounts Specifies whether the "Permission Sets" page should display each permission set's usage count.
22 Boolean ConfirmUsedPermSetDeletion Specifies whether users should confirm deletion of permission sets that are still in use.