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Codeunit WSB_CDPPermissionSetProtection

Implements permission set protection, preventing users from editing specific permission sets.


Name Value
Access Public



Returns whether the permission set with specified scope, app ID and role ID is a protected permission set.


Type Name Description
Option pScope The scope of the permission set.
Guid pAppID The app ID of the permission set.
Code[20] pRoleID The role ID of the permission set.


Type Description
Boolean true if the permission set is a protected permission set.


Allows to implement additional conditions under which permission sets should be protected.


Type Name Description
Option pScope The scope for the permission set
Guid pAppID The app ID of the permission set.
Code[20] pRoleID The role ID of the permission set.
Boolean vResult Set this parameter to true in your extension if the permission with specified parameters should be protected.