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Table WSB_CDPPermSetUsage

A temporary table to store permission set usages.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Permission Set Usage
Extensible False
TableType Temporary


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer EntryNo Entry no. for the permission set usage.
10 Guid UserSecurityID Security ID of the user using the permission set.
11 Code[50] UserName Name of the user using the permission set.
12 Text[80] UserFullName Full name of the user using the permission set.
13 Option UserLicenseType License Type of the user using the permission set.
20 Code[20] UserGroupCode Code of the user group using the permission set.
30 Option PermissionSetScope Scope of the permission set.
31 Guid AppID ID of the app that the permission set comes from.
32 Code[20] RoleID Role ID of the permission set.
33 Text[30] RoleName Role Name of the permission set.
40 Text[30] CompanyName Name of the company for which the permission set assignment applies.